Thursday, March 12, 2009


The Masque of the Red Death

By: Edgar Allen Poe

This story was about a disease called the Red Death, and it was spreading across the land. Blood ran red everywhere anyone went. The prince of the land, Prince Prospero, concealed him, and a thousand guests in a room. They sealed the iron door with bolts, so nothing could get in or out. The prince then threw a masquerade ball. He used seven rooms or apartments. Usually these rooms are all in a line, but the prince's were not. Each room had a different color, with a window that matched. However, in the seventh room, the violet room, the window was a scarelet red. It aslo had an ebony clock in the room. No one would enter this room, because it was dark and mysterious. Everytime the clock would chime, at the end of an hour, everyone would stop, and the music would cease. At the stroke of midnight, everyone stopped and gasped as they saw a new figure. His persona looked like a corpse. Like he was dead. The prince got angry and ordered him to be captured and hanged. The figure ran threw all the rooms to the seventh room. The prince followed him with a dagger. The prince was killed by the figure when he realized it was the Red Death. Everyone then died. A line that represents this story is: "All these and security were within. Without was the "RED DEATH". " (page 44)

The main character of this story is Prince Prospero. He is a self-centered man, but also very generous. He only cared of himself. He definately had the role of a prince down. To keep from getting the Red Death, he locked himself and some friends away. He didnt really care about the others who were dying, or had already died. He was just worried about himself. Physically there wasnt a description of him. Emotionally, he was stable. He wasnt crazy or mad, he was a normal prince. What motivates him to try to kill the figure is the crowds reaction. He didnt want his friends to think of him as a coward. So to prove his bravery, he went after the figure and died. What motivated him to lock him and his friends away was the Red Death. He didnt want to die, and he was in fear for his life. So he did what he could to prevent that from happening. If I was the prince I think I would do the same. The others that werent locked away were already going to die. Or had not the chance of survival. So I side with the prince. A line that represents him is: "But the Prince Prospero was happy and dauntless and sagacious." (page 43)

To star in my film, to play the prince, I would cast Brad Pitt. He has the looks of a prince, and he would be good at playing a self-centered role. He is also a really good actor, and I believe he would make this character come to life. To play the mysterious figure, I would cast Johnney Depp. Lets face it, he has stared in many mystery/gore films, and he also plays dark and mysteriousl well. I really think he could pull it off. He is also a really good actor. What I would take out of the story would be the parte where they stop when the clock chimes. Thats not really relevant to the story. I would however, keep the midnight chime, because thats when the figure appears. I would add more main characters. Like maybe a wife for the prince, and maybe there could be more than one mysterious figure. That way, the severity of the Red Death would really show. I would also add more to the scene where the prince dies. Make it a little more heroic, and elaborate on how he died. That would give the prince more points for being brave. I would also add maybe one or two survivors of the Red Death. Just have them escape somehow.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Hmmm... There are many, many words in the english dictionary. So this is going to be really difficult to pick just one to define me. Honestly, I dont believe one word can describe a person.. but here goes!! The word I picked to describe me is:


The dictionary definition for this word states: being out of the ordinary.

This I believe is very true for me. In my opinion I am unique, and definately not like ordinary girls. I dont really like to dress up, unless its a special occasion. I also am not all into shopping. Once in a while, however, I will shop a lot! But this is why I think the word EXCEPTIONAL is perfect for me.


Today in history.....well technically it would be yesterday.... anyways.. we learned about basically the birth of America. How the Declaration came to be, and why it came to be. We also learned about the Scientific Revolution! Or in other words, the Scientific Method! Yes very exciting! To me though, the most interesting thing we learned was about a woman named Mary Wollstonecraft. She was a woman, who fought for women's rights. She believed that a woman should be treated equal to a man, and should not have to be dependent upon her husband. You go girl! Thats true, in my opinion. Women can do anything a man can do, well just about, but I do believe that she shouldnt have to be dependent upon her husband.


Today math completely sucked. It's always boring, and I think Mr. Z goes way to fast. I'm sure that if he slowed down a little, and elaborated more on things, kids would understand it. Anyways, we learned about how to add and subtract trig. functions. Like sine, cosine, and tangent. Basically you split the equation into two parts and work it out. You also have to change the degrees into like pie over two, or square root of two, over two. Really confusing and I have to understand it by next week. Another test! I just failed one, so I have to redo that, and now another one...?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


This past Friday, I went to see the blue man group for the first time!!! The show was awesome! They had music, lights, and skits! During one part of the show, they TP'ed (Toilet Papered) the audience... So while that was happening, I decided to dance! I had a feeling someone was watching me, so I turned around, and there was one of the blue guys staring right at me. He scared the crap out of me, so I jumped a little. He just kept staring, right on close to my face! So I tried to talk to him, but he cant talk, so I just waved. He winked at me, and then he walked away. It was definately a great show, and great experience!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I think a book everyone should read is: THE HUSBAND

The author is Dean Koontz.

This book is about a husband whos wife gets taken for a ransom. The husband has the choice to get his wife back if he pays the ransom of 2 million dollars! A test of true love? I believe so...

I believe everyone should read this because its a story about true love. Every husband should be willing to go above and beyond for their wives. Its definately a page turner, and I think it sets a good example of true love. That is if you believe in true love.